Main Article Content
Underage workers can be considered as special subjects in labor legal relations compared to the legal capacity of other legal relations in the Vietnamese legal system. This is also completely consistent with international labor practices, especially since Vietnam officially joined the International Labor Organization in 1992, with the ratification of the conventions of this organization, relating to the field of labor in general, child labor or underage workers in particular, contributing significantly to the improvement of the legal basis for ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of underage workers. That is why Vietnam has gradually concretized its commitments on human rights in labor relations, contributing to the improvement of labor laws. However, the reality shows that the situation of violations of the rights of underage workers is still taking place, which leads to the rights and legitimate interests of underage workers not being guaranteed. In this article, the authors hope to contribute to improving the law to better protect the rights and interests of underage workers in Vietnam in the coming period.
Article Details

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