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There is currently a proliferation of businesses engaging in greenwashing practices in Indonesia. These practices are even carried out by large companies hiding behind products that claim to be environmentally friendly. Greenwashing practices have negative impacts on consumers in Indonesia. Faced with this situation, Indonesia has not had sufficient regulations to enforce laws against these greenwashing practices. The loopholes provide opportunities for businesses to engage in greenwashing practices. This research aims to inventory and explain the existing conditions related to the regulation of greenwashing in Indonesia and to develop a model to address greenwashing practices as an effort to protect consumers in Indonesia. This research used qualitative research with the specification of doctrinal legal research, where legislation becomes the main focus of the study. Therefore, the research collected and analyzed secondary data (primary and secondary legal materials) and then analyzds them qualitatively. The results showed that Indonesia has not explicitly prohibited greenwashing practices. However, there are two regulations indirectly related to greenwashing practices: Law Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and Management and Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. There is a need for regulatory strengthening to address greenwashing practices in order to provide consumer protection in Indonesia.
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