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the article explores the problem of application of artificial intelligence technologies and its impact on the protection of intellectual property rights on marketplaces. Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more widespread and is used in various spheres, including e-commerce. However, with its development a number of difficulties and problems arise related to the protection of intellectual property rights, such as trademarks, copyrights and patents. The article discusses the main problems that may arise when using AI in marketplaces. One such problem is the possibility of infringement of intellectual property rights, as AI can implicitly infringe copyrights or create competing products that imitate well-known brands. The article considers cases of infringements related to the use of AI on marketplaces and analyses the existing legal norms that regulate this problem. The article also offers practical recommendations for the protection of intellectual property rights on marketplaces. The article considers mechanisms of legal protection, such as registration of trademarks, copyrights and patents, and recommendations for the actions of right holders, if their rights have been violated on the marketplace. The possibilities of using artificial intelligence technologies to detect infringements and protect intellectual property rights are also discussed.
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