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The need for sustainable development has become increasingly urgent, with global initiatives like the COP (Conference of the Parties) and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) highlighting the imperativeness of countries to commit to achieving carbon neutrality to foster a resilient and equitable future for present and future generations. However, with the understanding that domestic law creates obstacles to international cooperation through overlapping, contradictory actions and different legal understandings, this paper suggests further cooperation as a means of knowledge sharing on a regulatory approach to support the implementation of renewable energy laws and regulations.

This paper will bring about an in-depth study of the Brazilian legal system, focusing on treaty internalization, the Brazilian Agenda 21, the Proalcohol and Proinfa programs, emphasizing their negative and positive legal characteristics regarding sustainable development and renewable energy. The hypothesis indicates convergences in their domestic legal systems regarding unified legislation, binding target systems, governmental subsidies, and protectionism treatment, which shall be diminished through mutual assistance and harmonizing laws pertinent to providing Russia with lessons.

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Gisma University of Applied Sciences


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