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The greater psychological well-being is contributed and enabled by an important factor known as emotional intelligence. However, the role of emotional intelligence in increasing psychological well-being was limited to other areas of study by previous researchers.  Since this study has captivating attention of researchers worldwide, it aims to evaluate the link between emotional intelligence and psychological well-being and to find out the scope of study that has been previously examined.  The reviewed articles were obtained from two databases such as Scopus and Science Direct from the year 2017 to 2021.  Keywords are "psychological well-being", "psychological wellbeing", "mental well-being", "mental wellbeing", "subjective well-being", "subjective wellbeing", "emotional intelligence", and "emotional quotient" were managed to identify 21 articles.  There was a limited scope of study has been conducted in relation to emotional intelligence and psychological well-being mainly among Asian countries.  Additional studies that focus in finding right method and measurement on emotional intelligence and psychological well-being are essential to be conducted. 

Article Details

Author Biography



Faculty of Business and Management & Center for Islamic Philanthropy and Social Finance, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Alor Gajah Branch, KM26 Jalan Lendu, 78000 Alor Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia 1,2,3


Rahmat Yuliawan

Faculty of Vocational Studies, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia


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