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In today's modern fisheries, Rights-Based Fisheries (RBF) is an approach to managing fish resources that has been adopted in various international legal instruments, is practiced by many countries, and has been proven to be able to realize fisheries management that is more effective, sustainable and provides economic benefits for fishing communities. This research aims to find out, from a theoretical and practical perspective, how RBF principles provide a framework for more effective and sustainable fisheries management, analyze how these principles are adopted in current capture fisheries management regulations in Indonesia, what issues and challenges are encountered, and suggest ways to overcome them. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The data used is secondary data from the literature which includes primary legal materials such as international and national fisheries law (customs) and secondary legal materials such as books, journals, and research results relevant to this research's objective. The results of this research show that until the end of 2022, capture fisheries regulations and policies in Indonesia are generally still based on open access and regulated open access, while rights-based fisheries management is implemented in a relatively limited scope, namely in the form of fisheries management by Customary Law Communities. The issuance of Government Regulation No. 11 of 2023 concerning Measured Fishing (PIT) marks the start of the broader application of RBF principles in capture fisheries management regulations in Indonesia. As a new regulation, PIT faces several issues and challenges, including unconsistency government policy, lack of fisheries scientific data, lack of local government involvement in public decision-making, and inadequate technology and facilities for monitoring and law enforcement. Therefore, the central government needs to evaluate and make improvements in several ways so that this policy can be implemented in accordance with its objectives.

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Author Biography



1 PhD Students, Faculty of law, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia

2,3,4 Lectureship, Faculty of law, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia


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