Impact of Teaching English Grammar Via Mobile Learning Apps to English as Second Language Learners in Pakistan

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 The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of mobile assisted learning for grammar teaching to English as second language (ESL) learners studying at elementary school level in Pakistan and to measure the impact of MALL on students’ learning of grammar. It was an experimental study that involved 100 participants who are students of 7th and 8th grades, randomly assigned to an experimental group and a control group. Pre-test and post-test were conducted to measure the participants’ grammar learning using hello English app. Data were analyzed through SPSS using independent sample t-test to get the mean score and standard deviation to find out the difference of performance of control group and experimental group. The result show that experimental group performed better in the post test. It indicates that learning with the help of this app was helpful for students.  On the basis of findings, it is suggested that mobile learning should be used in classrooms as learning tools to experience better learning. English learning apps have a positive impact on students’ learning of English grammar but there are some challenges faced by students that   is overcome by utilizing some pedagogical methods and strategies. 


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