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The sharing economy is considered an era-defining product of the digital economy, it inherits the values of the 4.0 technology revolution and the nature of a new business method. This business model has appeared in the world for quite a long time, but it has been mentioned a lot in Vietnam recently and the Vietnamese Government has developed a project to develop a sharing economic model. Typical sharing economy models such as GrabTaxi and Uber, Go Viet, Be, AirBnB,, Travelmob, P2P Lending, Fintech... These models in Vietnam have brought many benefits to consumers. . However, it also poses many risks and challenges for consumers of products and services, and the issue of protecting consumer rights needs more attention. This article focuses on analyzing some legal issues on protecting consumer rights in the sharing economy of several countries around the world. From there, it suggests some solutions to improve Vietnamese policies and laws on consumer protection in the coming time.
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