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This article examines the criminal aspects of breach of contract and its effect on legal certainty. The analysis centers on Article 378 of the Indonesian Criminal Code, which outlines fraud as a criminal offense in relation to breaches in contract, as well as the associated legal repercussions. The article also covers the available legal remedies for injured parties, including contract annulment and claims for damages. Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach, this article examines the intricate interplay between criminal and civil law in resolving contract breaches. Through a comprehensive analysis of case studies, the aim is to offer a complete understanding of this phenomenon. Further studies should investigate the "anyone" element in Article 378 of the Indonesian Criminal Code, improve the interaction between criminal and civil law, and examine international dimensions in the context of criminal breaches of contract. This article aims to deepen the comprehension of legal issues related to breaches of contract, enhance legal literature, and foster wider discussions.

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