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The present study investigates the impact of post-COVID-19 conditions on the psychological distress of nurses, with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) symptoms serving as a moderating factor. The mental well-being of nurses is an imperative concern, given the unparalleled difficulties they have encountered in their capacity as primary healthcare professionals throughout the pandemic. SPSS analyses, including t-tests and regression, were conducted on a sample of 300 nurses with age range of 25 to 40. Nurses who exhibited symptoms consistent with OCD reported greater levels of psychological distress. Additionally, the moderating effect of OCD symptoms on the association between psychological distress and post-COVID-19 conditions was validated through regression analysis. The statistical significance of the differences in psychological distress was established through the utilisation of t-tests, whereas the complex interaction between OCD symptoms and post-COVID-19 conditions was elucidated through regression analysis. The implications of this study for the mental health of healthcare professionals are both academic and practical. It is recommended that support systems and targeted interventions be developed to address the distinct requirements of nurses, with the aim of bolstering their resilience and overall welfare amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

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