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There are various non-cognitive factors affects motivation for learning and achievement for instance ambition, self-concept, enthusiasm, vigor, grit, and attitudes etc. This research examined the effect of academic self-concept, achievement motivation, and grit on achievement and the effect of academic self-concept and achievement motivation on students’ grit. The population comprises all students of the intermediate level in district Sargodha. From this population, a sample of 300 students was selected from six colleges (3 boys and 3 girls) of three tehsils of District Sargodha. The response was received from 283 students, which was used for data analysis. The data was collected using three questionnaires, the Achievement Motivation Scale, Grit Scale, and Academic Self-concept Scale. The former two were adopted and later designed by the researchers. The data analysis was done through SPSS, applying descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings demonstrated that academic self-concept, achievement motivation, and grit positively affected learners’ achievement. Furthermore, academic self-concept and achievement motivation affected the grit of students. It was concluded that improving and maintaining motivation is necessary for increasing students' achievement and making them successful.
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