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There are great advances regarding the practice of the social web to improve learning and its interaction with students. This study explores the thinking of students in the public university business administration program regarding the use of the web. The purpose is to understand how these practices can improve learning by having an interaction between students and the development of their skills. The ways in which the curriculum presents programmatic content that trains future professionals is examined through a review, as well as previous studies and theories related to the social web in education. The information collected is analyzed through a survey by convenience sampling, the result of the collaboration focusing on the collection of information and analysis in five collection and analysis this information for a joint reflection (students - teachers) on the importance of the social web, giving rise to some results and reflections applied to the university environment, finally concluding, what are the advantages of the social network in a university program at the undergraduate degree, contributing to the understanding of the use of the social web to enrich the educational experience by promoting more effective and participatory learning among students.
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