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One of the most crucial roles played by Smartphone in establishing new social communication via contemporary information technology amongst friends, family, and individuals is that of people. All things in the earth were created by Allah, who created all humans, with human welfare in mind. He intended for all creatures to serve Him, and one of the most common forms of worship is to assist others. For instance, current technology will assist in this. The purpose of this study is to know Impact of smartphone on our society, and Human Rights, and on Muslim culture, with Positive and negative rules, furthermore, how it is applied in light of Islam and social welfare.
According to the study, not every prophet employed the same methods and equipment when it came to Da'wah. They employed various tools and tactics for Da'wah depending on the circumstances and context. It is difficult to convince people to return to an invisible realm, such as Deen and Aakherat, in the present scientific era when people are attached to tangible products, services, and consumption. In this approach, cutting-edge IT machinery can be a more powerful instrument for Islamic Da'wah.
Smartphone providing Apps like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Linkdln, Google+, Tumblr, Instagram, WhatsApp, IMO, Telegram, etc. have replaced traditional forms of communication that were slow and expensive while also being difficult to use and connect to quickly from anywhere in the world. The methodology for the study was qualitative. There was employed as a tool for gathering data. Similarly, for the research, sources from books, journals, and the internet were utilized. According to the conversation, social media in our Muslim society has both positive and harmful consequences, particularly from an Islamic perspective. The article comes to the conclusion that Muslim Society over the world makes superb use of Smartphone.
One of the most recent and significant developments of the 20th century, Smartphone technology has transformed every facet of human existence and had a profound impact on every part of our daily lives. Because of how frequently it is used, it has evolved into a key element and a top requirement in everyone's life because doing without one is exceedingly challenging.
The increasing use of Smartphones has brought forth a number of contemporary issues that weren't previously understood, much like other technical devices.
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Sura Al Baqarah 2:141
Sura Al Anaam 6:131 IJSHS, 2019; 3 (3): 95-114 114
Sura At Tahrim 66:6
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Sahih Muslim 1829
Sahih al-Bukhari 3461
Sahih al-Bukhari 2873,
Sahih Muslim 1733
Sahih Muslim 55
Sahih al-Bukhari 33