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This study aims to examine the effect of green employee involvement on organizational citizenship behavior towards the environment and the mediating role of green training in the Sindh, Pakistan’s hotel industry. Sustainability and environmental responsibility are incorporated into HR management by GHRM. Employees are sustainability stakeholders for GHRM. It includes regulations and activities that encourage employees to reduce their environmental impact and promote sustainable workplace practices. A printed questionnaire will be used to collect primary data for the quantitative study. 250 hotel employees from Karachi will participate. The collection of data will involve a survey and convenience sampling. March and April, 2023 is the duration of the study. The investigation will employ a cross-sectional survey methodology. This study revealed a positive correlation between green employee engagement and environmental citizenship behavior in organizations. In addition, the findings support the hypothesis that green training mediates the relationship between green employee involvement and environmental organizational citizenship behavior. The partial mediation suggests that additional variables influence the association. Employers should encourage and recognize employees who participate in eco-friendly activities. Creating a culture of environmental responsibility and sustainability can encourage environmental citizenship within organizations. Employees should receive sustainability education through green training.
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