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PPNS cannot carry out forced efforts such as detention, arrest, and so on. This limitation of authority has resulted in the PPNS having to always carry out investigations together with the POLRI. This is because POLRI investigators are parties who are given full authority to carry out various forced measures such as arrest, detention, search and confiscation. The granting of such authority to the PPNS of the Director General of Customs and Excise often results in clashes during the implementation of law enforcement against criminal acts in the field of excise. Clashes mainly occur when determining which party is domiciled as an investigator and is authorized to make every effort in the framework of investigating criminal acts in the field of excise. This legal research uses a sociological legal research approach. To analyze the data, in terms of its nature, this research is descriptive-analytical, researchers used qualitative data analysis methods to obtain descriptive data. Since the promulgation of Law no. 11 of 1995 concerning Excise, the Directorate General of Customs and Excise based on Article 63 is given special authority to act as an investigator and carry out a series of investigative actions against criminal offenses in the field of Excise. However, it must be remembered that the investigative powers possessed by Civil Servant Investigators are only limited to criminal acts regulated in special criminal laws. This is in accordance with the limitation of authority stated in Article 7 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code. Weaknesses in Legal Substance: Article 7 paragraph (2) stipulates that PPNS investigators in carrying out their duties are under the coordination and supervision of Polri investigators. Weaknesses in the Legal Structure: Weak coordination between law enforcement agencies can lead to overlapping authorities and policies of each party. Weaknesses of Legal Culture: One of the customs and excise crimes that is often committed is the crime of counterfeiting excise tape, which is a crime committed by legal subjects, both in the form of agencies and individuals by affixing or falsifying a country's official stamp, whether it is stamp duty or brand. Reconstruction of Article 7 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code by changing PPNS in carrying out their duties under the coordination and supervision of Polri investigators to become PPNS in carrying out their duties coordinating with each other with Polri investigators.

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1234Sultan Agung Islamic University


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