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This research is based on a problem, namely the ineffectiveness of strengthening the institutional capacity of the Cirebon City Education Council. This causes the Cirebon City Education Council to not be able to play an effective role as an advisory agency, supporting agency, controlling agency and mediator agency. The research was conducted using qualitative methods with a case study strategy. Data collection was carried out through literature study, observation, interviews, documentation studies, and focus group discussions. Checking the validity of the data was carried out using triangulation techniques, while data analysis used qualitative analysis and modeling analysis. The results of the research are: (1) Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Cirebon City Education Council has not been effective as seen from the four dimensions of institutional strengthening, namely individuals and teams, institutions, environment and facilitation that have not been fulfilled properly, especially in the environment and facilitation dimensions. (2) The factors that cause the strengthening of the institutional capacity of the Cirebon City Education Council to be ineffective are mthe emergence of symptoms of formalism, the lack of optimal political will of the Mayor and the Cirebon City Government, the leadership of the Mayor of Cirebon not being optimal, the lack of harmony in the relationship between the Mayor of Cirebon and the Cirebon City Education Council, and the lack of socialization regarding the Cirebon City Education Council. (3)The design of an effective model in strengthening the institutional capacity of the Cirebon City Education Council is a hybrid model that combines the theory of the Framework for Holistic Capacity Building, the author's research novelty, and other aspects related to the existing conditions at hand.

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Pasudan University, Bandung, Indonesia


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