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Corruption in public services has long been a major concern in various societies and countries. This study aims to analyze the main obstacles and challenges faced in efforts to enforce law against acts of corruption in the context of public services. The research method used is qualitative analysis with a case study approach to several cases of corruption in public services that have occurred. The results of the study reveal that the main obstacles in law enforcement against corruption in services are categorized into structural, cultural and instrumental barriers. In addition, the challenges faced in law enforcement against corruption in public services involve complex aspects of proof, limited human, financial and technical resources, political interference that threatens independence, weak legal system in handling corruption cases, slow judicial process. , and lack of public awareness. The conclusion of this study underscores the need for strategic steps to improve law enforcement against corruption in public services. Efforts are needed to increase the integrity of law enforcement officials, reform the judiciary, allocate adequate resources, and change culture and public awareness of the importance of preventing and prosecuting corruption.

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Institut Pemerintahan Dalam Negeri, Sumedang, Indonesia


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