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Kuta is the most popular tourist resorts in the international destination of Bali, Indonesia. It is generally known for its three S's, namely sea, sand, and sun, although not relatively identified regarding the support provided by Balinese art and culture. This study aims to investigate the combination of beach and art and culture tourism that have contributed to the rapid development of Kuta as a prominent tourist resort. It was carried out using qualitative analysis techniques, an interactive model, through the stages of data reduction, and presentation, as well as conclusions. The results showed that Kuta existed with beach tourism and was significantly supported by Balinese art, as well as cultural practices and texts. The Balinese art and culture were considered street culture and staged culture. Street culture pertained to all various authentic artistic and cultural practices/texts in the local society and staged culture emphasized all various artistic and cultural practices/texts for tourists in hotels, restaurants, entertainment venues, and parties on the side of Kuta Beach. That is the implementation of Balinese cultural tourism as stated in tourism regulations in Bali.

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Author Biography



Department of Tourism, Politeknik Negeri Bali, Badung, Indonesia1,2

Department of Tourism, Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, Indonesia3

Department of Art Education, Institut Seni Indonesia Denpasar, Denpasar, Indonesia4




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