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The complexity of human memory can be traced to the ‘Internet of things as well. The evolving digital space has witnessed & recorded the life of humans across the timeline of their usage. Due to the eternal memory of the internet along with its wide accessibility, the threat of the digital past is a contemporary issue for internet users globally. This implication of remembering everything, while deleting nothing has raised a recent discourse on the “Right to be Forgotten” (RTBF hereinafter) digitally. Thus, RTBF empowers an individual to control the accessibility of his information available online. However, in India, the recent regulation of the Information/data by the legislation is quite limited wherein RTBF is still an alien concept. Henceforth, this paper hypothesizes the essentiality of the RTBF in Indian domestic law. The paper will attempt to establish the necessity & consequences of recognition of such social forgetfulness rights in cyberspace.
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Assistant Professor of Law, Symbiosis Law School, Nagpur
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