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This research aims to analyze the implementation of the principle of freedom of contract in import trade from a business law perspective. The methods used in this study are documentation and qualitative approach. The documentation method is employed to gather data from various sources such as books, journals, regulations, and relevant legal documents. The qualitative approach analyzes the data by describing and interpreting the information obtained. The findings of this research indicate that Indonesia became a member of UNIDROIT on January 1, 2009, and ratified the principles of international contract law through Presidential Regulation No. 59 of 2008. Thus, Indonesia is committed to harmonizing national contract laws with international standards to support efficient trade and business transactions. The principle of freedom of contract is a crucial foundation in import trade, granting freedom to the parties involved to negotiate, establish contract terms, and protect their rights. However, this freedom remains limited by applicable laws and regulations and considerations of ethics and social responsibility in business practices. Applying the principle of freedom of contract appropriately is expected to create legal certainty, foster sustainable trade growth, and maintain a balance between national and international interests. As well as considerations of ethics and social responsibility in business practices. Applying the principle of freedom of contract appropriately is expected to create legal certainty, foster sustainable trade growth, and maintain a balance between national and international interests. As well as considerations of ethics and social responsibility in business practices. Applying the principle of freedom of contract appropriately is expected to create legal certainty, foster sustainable trade growth, and maintain a balance between national and international interests.

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Author Biography



Doctor of Laws, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia


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