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Life has become easier and faster as technological advancements have progressed through numerous technical platforms like, social Media. It enables people to communicate and exchange information. User-generated content creation and exchange the global population’s use of social media is at an all-time high. It also has an impact on our physical health and academic success. It becomes essential to be conscious about impact of media addiction on student’s academic success. The core objective of the study is to find out the academic success of social media addicted students. The descriptive design is utilized to fulfill the study objectives. Population of the study is include all secondary students (male and female) enrolled in session 2022-2023 of public sector schools in Tehsil Gilgit. The targeted population of the study is including 750 students, from 10 secondary schools, and the sample size is 271, the data will be analyzed through descriptive statistics. The result from the findings of this study showed that, though Social media have negative effects on secondary school students such as lack of privacy, distracting students from their academic work, taking most of their productive time, and such like, they also have benefits and can be used appropriately.

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Author Biography



1Mphil (Education) Student, 2Assistant Professor, 3Chairman/Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Pakistan.


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