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The present work is based on the social right of identity that guarantees the dignity of the human being and because, generally, it is constituted in the first months of life, initially it is exercised by the minority group -of priority attention- that requires special protection. on the part of the State, which through its preventive protection should guarantee the identification of the biological reality and through its punitive protection, should fully repair the right when it is shown that it has been violated, such as, for example, with the accommodating voluntary recognition. The objective of the present work was to determine if the social right to the identity of the minority group is protected by the State, delimiting that Ecuador has the model of "Constitutional State of Rights". Within the results, two opposing theories on the right to identity were analyzed, in order to take the position that best guarantees it in the discussion. The methodology that was used has a qualitative approach, with an interpretive method, it does not have hard data that can be incorporated into the analysis, the research is bibliographical The main conclusion of the work was to establish that identity is a social right not guaranteed in Ecuador, hence its importance.

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Author Biography



Universidad Estatal de Bolívar. Guaranda-Ecuador


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