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The transformation of the free-range chicken agribusiness trade system in South Sulawesi refers to the changes that have occurred in the free-range chicken farming industry, especially in Gowa and Maros Regencies as the focus of research because the two regions are centers of free-range chicken farming in South Sulawesi. This transformation involves various methods, including increasing the capacity of breeders, using modern technology, improving feed quality, product diversification, collaboration and strengthening partnerships, and implementing sustainable agricultural practices. Collaboration and strengthening partnerships are important aspects of this transformation. Breeders, traders, distributors and other related institutions in South Sulawesi, especially in the Gowa and Maros Regencies as a research focus, must work together in marketing, distribution and market development. With this collaboration, free-range chicken breeders can expand market share, gain access to financing, and other resources. With the transformation of the free-range chicken trade system in South Sulawesi, it is hoped that a more efficient, sustainable and competitive livestock industry will be created. This study aims to obtain the results of a study regarding the transformation of the treatment of free-range chicken business development in the province of South Sulawesi. The method of analysis in this study is to use a structural equation model to examine the relationship between variables according to the proposed hypothesis. The variables studied in this study consist of exogenous variables including: production, marketing, and financial management capabilities; the intermediate variable in this study is the development of sales; and variable increase in business profit as an endogenous variable. The three types of variables are built based on a theoretical approach that forms a constellation of relationships between variables, where each variable has dimensions and indicators. The respondents in this study were a group of free-range chicken breeders and collectors in Gowa Regency, 150 respondents and in Maros Regency, 100 respondents. The results of the study found that in general the respondents of free-range chicken breeders in Gowa and Maros districts had production, marketing and financial management capabilities to increase sales volume and the impact on increasing profits and creating a sustainable business.

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1Universitas Bosowa, 

2STIM Lasharan Jaya, 

3Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Amkop, 

4STIA Prima, 

5STIM Lasharan Jaya, 


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