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Labor productivity is the relationship between the resources used to generate a product or service and the value of the product or service itself, so it is a key element in business competitiveness and that both academics and businessmen are trying to understand better every day. The objective of this work is to determine the work habits that influence labor productivity in some public and governmental economic sectors of Norte de Santander (Colombia). For this purpose, phenomenology is used as a method and 25 executives of small and medium-sized companies are used as key informants. The main findings indicate that the habits that influence productivity in the sectors studied are: Attitude, Ethical acting, Creativity, Time management Teamwork, while the habits with the greatest negative influence are: Lack of attitude, Poor time management, Interpersonal relationships, Goal-focused thinking and Ethical performance. These findings allow organizational leaders to adjust their hiring and training strategies to enhance positive habits and minimize the negative effects on job performance.

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Author Biography



1Phd in Business Administration, Director of the Zulima Science Research Group,  Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander

2Magister in Political Science, Director of Research Group Rotã,  Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Seccional Ocaña

3PhD in Education, Research Group Rotã,  Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Seccional Ocaña


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