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The function of the judiciary cannot be separated from judicial power in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia stating that judicial power is the power of an independent state to administer justice in order to uphold law and justice based on Pancasila for the sake of the implementation of the Republic of Indonesia. The judge as the originator of the law translates or gives meaning so that a rule of law or a legal understanding can actually be in accordance with concrete legal events to avoid misuse. Thus, legal discovery can be made with instruments or methods of interpretation, analogy, legal refinement (rechtsvervijning), legal construction and argumentum a contrario. This research is empirical with a sociological jurisprudence method that can see law in a real sense, for example, how law works in a society. The results of this study are that judges at the District Court and the Religious Court decide cases by looking at customary law and customs. The judges consider living law by looking at the characteristics of the case and the availability of written law as a source of law. Three obstacles faced by judges in using living law in deciding cases in courts are internal and external. Internal obstacles include to find a legal basis that enforces positive legal provisions, to categorize trends in society as living law or not, and to define the living law itself. Basically, there are no external obstacles because if the parties involved in the cases dissatisfied with the decision, they can take available legal remedies such as appeal, cassation, and review.

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Author Biography



Lecturers, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia1

Ph.D. Scholar, Faculty of Law, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia2


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