The Impact of Tokopedia Flash Sale Promotion on Purchase Interest and Purchase Decisions of Students in Medan

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Dewi Budhiarti July Isnaini, T. Nurhaida


The purpose of this study is to investigate how the promotion for the Tokopedia Flash Sale affected students in Medan's purchasing intentions and interest. The authors used quantitative research methods in this study. The research population is product buyers/consumers who use Tokopedia, the sample is determined by 80 respondents. While a questionnaire was used as a data collection technique and a survey was used as a research instrument. The study demonstrates that consumers' interest in purchasing is significantly affected by the Flash Sale. Additionally, Flash Sale's contribution to Tokopedia's explanation of Medan students' interest in purchasing is 32.71% and additional non-involved variables have an impact on the remaining 67.29. Additionally, purchasing decisions are significantly influenced by Flash Sales. Furthermore, the commitment of Flash Sales at Tokopedia to understudies in Medan in going with buying choices was 41.1% and the leftover 58.9% was made sense of by factors excluded from this review. Thus, the results of this study reveal that students in Medan have a tendency to have an interest in buying and then make a purchase decision on a product because of promotions such as Flash Sale. Thus, Tokopedia as an online shopping store is quite successful in attracting consumer interest in selling its products with the Flash Sale program


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Dewi Budhiarti July Isnaini, T. Nurhaida