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The current study investigated the relationship between attachment styles, emotional intelligence, and perceived stress among law students. Predictors of the perceived stress were also investigated, including identifying the participant scores (low, moderate, and high) on the study variables. Purposive sampling techniques were used to approach the (N = 150) participants enrolled in the various private and government law institutes in Lahore, Pakistan. The sample size was calculated online by using the G. Power calculator. A correlational research design and survey method were used. The Person’s Product-Moment correlation results indicated a significant relationship between attachment styles, emotional intelligence, and perceived stress. The magnitude of the relationship varied from .17 to .90 (moderate-high). At the same time, the findings of the step-wise regression analysis retained two model structures, accounting for 29% of the variance. They indicated that attachment styles and emotional intelligence significantly predicted the perceived stress among law students. Implications of the study were discussed in the cultural context of Pakistan.

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Author Biography



Assistant Professor/ HOD, Department of Psychology, Lahore Leads University. 

Assistant Professor (TTS), Department of Psychology, Women Sub Campus University of Malakand.

Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Hazara University Mansehra

Assistant Professor/HOD, Department of Law, Lahore Leads University.

Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Lahore Leads University.


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