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The fundamental objective of this paper is to produce a theoretical framework for understanding the relationship between the dualistic model of entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurial performance. This framework draws upon the principles of the Self-Determination Theory and the Mood Maintenance Hypothesis. To gather information, a comprehensive review of existing conceptual and empirical literature on the subject was conducted, and the findings were synthesized. The results indicate that the association between dualistic model of entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurial performance is distant. The proposed dualistic model of entrepreneurial passion directly influences entrepreneurial performance, while also exerting indirect effects that are sequentially mediated by factors such as entrepreneurial emotions, risk-taking, competitive aggressiveness, and escalation of commitment. The study presents a concise framework for regulating entrepreneurial passion and its impact on entrepreneurial performance. It expands the ontological understanding of the dualistic model of entrepreneurial passion, and there is a high likelihood that the framework will be validated through empirical research in the future. The practical implications of this study are significant, as it offers a comprehensive understanding of the link between entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurial performance. This studycan be utilized to develop effective strategies and interventions in the field of entrepreneurship.

Article Details

Author Biography



Lecturer, Beaconhouse International College Faisalabad


Comsats University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus


Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences,Abasyn University Peshawar


Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus


Assistant Professor, Ilma University Karachi


Associate Professor and Dean Faculty of Management Sciences, NUR International University,  Lahore


Assistant Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Abasyn University Peshawar



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