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Comparison of laws between countries will provide a broad picture of the similarities and differences of each country. However, comparing criminal law is not just looking for similarities and differences between the criminal law of other countries and the criminal law in force in Indonesia. More than that, it is to know and understand criminal law in detail in other countries. In this case, it should be used as comparative input in forming and developing national criminal law to reform federal criminal law. The institution of concurrent acts in criminal law is not recognized in countries that adhere to the Anglo-Saxon or the standard law system. On the other hand, in countries that adhere to the continental European system or the civil law system, institutions recognize concurrent actions. Countries that recognize direct travel are Germany, the Netherlands and Indonesia. Although based on the history of continuing efforts originating from Germany, Germany does not place continuing actions in the Criminal Code, but only in jurisprudence. Meanwhile, the Netherlands regulates continuing activities in Article 56 of the Criminal Code, and according to the concordance principle of the Indonesian Criminal Code, it also governs the declaration of conformity as contained in Article 64 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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Public Law
Author Biography



1Faculty of law, Universitas Padjajaran. Indonesia

2Faculty of law, Universitas Padjajaran. Indonesia

3Faculty of law, Universitas Padjajaran. Indonesia

4Faculty of law, Universitas Padjajaran. Indonesia


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