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The article provides an analytical review of modern international practices in the development and practical implementation of an evidence-based approach in public administration. A brief description of the evidence-based approach, prerequisites, as well as the first (pioneer) practices of applying its elements to achieve sustainable development goals and leveling barriers in socially significant areas is given. The cases formed to date on the implementation of evidence-based public policy in a number of developed countries are considered. It is suggested that, given the accumulated international experience, there is a possibility of using evidence-based public policy tools for the purposes of sectoral balancing. Confirmation of this hypothesis is carried out through the prism of the industry. The Russian Federation is cited as a recipient country, as one of the largest world powers, the industrial sector of which, like in many other countries of the world, is in conditions of uncertainty and episodic imbalance. It is indicated that in view of the constantly changing conditions for the functioning of industrial enterprises, it is important to constantly evaluate the effectiveness and, as a result, adjust the measures of state support for industrial enterprises in order to maintain the "health" of the entire sector. It is postulated that for a long period of time in many countries of the world, in particular in Russia, there was a “rational-intuitive” approach to public administration, which is inappropriate in the new reality. The possibility of replacing this approach with an evidence-based approach is considered, examples of successful practices in the application of evidence-based policy tools in the field of public administration are presented, in particular, in the context of evaluation (audit) measures of the results obtained; special attention is paid to the approach adopted in the UK. The alternatives of their use for further improvement of state support for industrial enterprises that are forced to conduct their activities in conditions of uncertainty are specified.
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