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The goal of Covid-19 vaccination is to decrease the spread of the virus, lower the severity and death rate caused by Covid-19, attain collective immunity within the community, and safeguard individuals from Covid-19 so that they can continue to be socially and economically productive. The research method employed is normative juridical research in conjunction with empirical research in the form of quantitative research using a survey design. Covid-19 vaccine access accelerates pandemic response. Regarding disarmament implementation, several things have happened in the field, including a) the procedure for implementing disarmament has not fully followed the health protocol, b) the procedure for withdrawing vaccination has not been carried out properly, c) there has not been a thorough socialization of vaccines to recipients. Thus research on Importance of legal protection for Indonesian vaccine recipients because of the legal protection of consumer rights.

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Public Law
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Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia 1


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