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The study generated the theory in the teaching of research. It utilized the inductive method of theory generation, and the researcher used the narrative inquiry approach. Furthermore, the proponent applied the six phases of Labov’s narrative analysis in the stories, as told by the teachers who participated in the study. Six identified different areas in the investigation: abstract, orientation, complicating action, evaluation, resolution, and coda. It created a thematic analysis and adapted the six phases of Braun and Clark. The study’s findings revealed three themes: Myself, Myself and others, and myself and the Institution. The extracted narratives in the re-storying of the six professors involved came up with the following hypothesis: Academic research productivity governs teachers’ attributes: Academic research productivity influences students’ characteristics: And academic research productivity affects institutional mandates. This theory emerged as stated: Academic research productivity is an interplay between teacher’s attributes and student’s characteristics with the influence of the institutional sanction.

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Education Law
Author Biography


Ruby Aban – Perez


Assistant Professor

Research Faculty


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