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The purpose of this research article is to provide a specific description of the relationship between servant leadership and individual, team and organizational performance. Methodologically, a rigorous three-phase systematic literature review process has been followed to identify relevant information to answer the review questions. In this way, the results are presented and disseminated in a descriptive manner. It has been found that the studies are mostly quantitative, focused on studying the relationship between servant leadership and performance at the individual level, followed by organizational performance and few studies focused on team performance; with a growing interest in multilevel performance; there is a greater presence of mediating variables than moderating variables in the research. Although there is much interest in the subject, it is believed that it is little studied, mainly in team performance and moderating variables. The study contributes with specificity by addressing the effect it has on performance at the individual, team and organizational levels. In addition, new topics for further research are raised.

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Doctoral student in Strategic Management at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru- Peru1

Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, ESPOL, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences - FCSH, Campus Gustavo Galindo Km. 30.5 Perimetral Road, P.O. Box 09-01-5863, Guayaquil - Ecuador2


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