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The research aims to identify the effectiveness of the problem tree strategy among fifth grade female students in science and their cognitive motivation. The researcher adopted the experimental approach with an experimental design for two equal groups. The science subject will be studied according to the problem tree strategy, and section (B) to represent the control group that will study the same subject in the usual manner. The total number of students in the two groups has reached (68) students; (33) students in the experimental group, and (35) students in the control group. It was statistically rewarded between the members of the two groups in the following variables: (the chronological age of the students of the two research groups calculated in months, the educational attainment of the parents, the test of previous information in the subject of science, the grades of the previous year (2021-2022) in the subject of science, the Raven intelligence test, and the cognitive motivation scale) And the researcher identified the study material with the topics from the science book for the fifth grade of primary school, then the researcher formulated behavioral goals, as they numbered (200) behavioral goals. Validity, discriminatory power, and stability were verified; Its alpha-Cronbach stability was verified with a value of (0.92); The researcher used the appropriate statistical methods to extract the data, and the results showed that the students of the experimental group outperformed the students of the control group in the measure of cognitive motivation.

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2Diyala University, College of Basic Education




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