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    The research aims to identify (the effectiveness of a training program based on (STEM) orientations in developing the competencies of implementation among teachers of mathematics, and its teachers. And middle school for the academic year 2021/2022 AD, and the number is (656) teachers and schools in the General Directorate of Education in Salah al-Din Governorate. As for the research sample, the intentional method was used in selecting it, which consisted of (25) teachers and schools from the schools of the Education Department. The researchers used the program The training program in the light of (STEM) trends and to measure the dependent variable used ((implementation competencies)) and it consisted of (40) items, and to make sure of its validity and stability, the appropriate statistical methods were used, and the researchers concluded that there are statistically significant differences at the level of significance (0.05). Between the pre-application and the post-application in the competencies of implementation and in favor of the post application

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Education Law
Author Biography


1Maysoon Saleh Allawi  al-Jubouri, 2Prof  Dr. Falah Saleh Hussein Al-Jubouri

1Assistant teacher,   Ministry of Education, Salah al-Din Education Directorate

2Tikrit University, College of Education for Human Sciences


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