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Introduction: In the sub-continent, journalism in Urdu and the other native languages began significantly later than journalism in English. Employees of the East India Company and European Christian Missionaries founded the Indian newspaper. The native Indian people first showed interest in this commerce in the third decade of the 19th century. The media in the NWFP (Now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa), like the national media, was crucial in helping Muslims vent their frustrations while also fostering increased awareness of and cooperation around the concept of Muslim nationhood in the past and playing a viral role in shaping public opinion in present as well.
Objectives: In recent years, social communication channels throughout the world have been dramatically impacted by the expanding usage of digital media. Information technology is changing the media and communication work in Pakistan. The avenues of communication are altered owing to the amazing growth of digital media devices. The objective of this study is to explore the experts’ opinions about the past, present and future prospects of Urdu Journalism in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The central questions of this research is that what were, are and will be the causes and problems to Urdu journalism of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Previously NWFP).
Methodology & Analysis: In-depth interviews were conducted under the qualitative research design for data collection. Data was collected from the academicians and journalists of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Convenient sampling method was adopted, while data was collected from 10 experts i.e.,5 academicians and 5 journalists. Thematic and descriptive methods of analysis were adopted. One of the interviewers didn’t give us time due to busy schedule. It is found that one of the reviewers was critical, while rest of the others were agreed that Urdu Journalism played a vital role in the past in the development of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Currently, Urdu journalism is practicing commercialization instead of professionalism due to emergence of new media technology. Urdu journalism is facing financial problems, policy threats, and limitation of advertisement, slow media, and commercialization. Additionally, they explored that currently Urdu journalism nothing but just commercialization in the province. They suggest that Urdu Journalism needs freedom of expression, de-militarization, and usage of new technology, need quality news instead of quantity and trainings & facilities to the journalists in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
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