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This study focuses on three issues: the description of the fulfillment of post-divorce women's rights in Parepare City, the role of religious counselors in socializing post-divorce women's rights in Parepare City, and the role of community leaders in educating the public about the fulfillment of post-divorce women's rights in Parepare City. This is qualitative research with a normative legal orientation. Research findings indicate a Summary of fulfillment rights Post-divorce women in Parepare City have not obtained their maximum entitlements. This is evidenced by the fact that several divorced and widowed women who have been divorced by their spouses still have not fully acquired their rights. The absence of counseling materials related to post-divorce women's rights issues indicates that the function of religious instructors in socializing post-divorce women's rights in Parepare City has not been carried out effectively. In Parepare City, the role of community leaders in educating the community about women's rights post-divorce has been fulfilled; however, the provision of material related to women's rights post-divorce was not made explicit and the syllabus was not systematically compiled. Although, within the jurisdiction of the Parepare Religious Court, judges ex officio have conferred women's rights after a divorce, the judge's decision is considered null and void because judges do not have the authority to carry out their decisions in the Religious Courts.

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Public Law
Author Biography


Rusdaya Basri1

IAIN Parepare1


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