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The coronavirus has brought the world unprecedented quarantine measures, border closures, air traffic closures, and restrictions on certain human rights as a result of which patient safety has become a major global health issue. Pursuant to international standards, there are inherent human rights that cannot be restricted under any circumstances.

In the research, special attention is paid to the basic principles that must be adhered to when introducing temporary measures to restrict constitutional rights of human rights: the rule of law and the principle of proportionality

The paper uses the following scientific methods of cognition: general dialectical method of cognition, systematization, problem-oriented, comparative-legal, special-legal, historical-legal, formal-legal analytical and scientific knowledge.

On the basis of these, it can be deduced that as a result of scrutinizing this hitch, the article developed proposals in the field of protecting the rights of patients during a pandemic, as well as proposals for enriching the theoretical apparatus.

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Public Law
Author Biography


Gafurova Nozimakhon1, Yusupova Faringiz2, Yusupov Nodirbek3

1 PhD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department International law and human rights of Tashkent State University of Law,

2 Lecturer at the Department International law and human rights of Tashkent State University of Law.

3 Lecturer at the Department of Labor Law Tashkent State University of Law.

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