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A documentary review was carried out on producing and publishing research papers on studying differential equations, mathematical models, and education. The bibliometric analysis proposed in this paper was to know the main characteristics of the volume of publications registered in the Scopus database during 2017-2021, identifying 90 publications. The information provided by the said platform was organized employing tables and figures categorizing the information by Year of Publication, Country of Origin, Area of Knowledge and Type of Publication. Once these characteristics were described, a qualitative analysis was used to refer to the position of different authors on the proposed topic. Among the main findings of this research, it is found that the United States, with 13 publications, was the country with the highest scientific production registered in the name of authors affiliated with institutions of that nation. The area of knowledge that made the greatest contribution to the construction of bibliographic material referring to the study of differential equations, mathematical models, and education was Mathematics, with 37 published documents, and the type of publication that was most used during the period mentioned above was the conference article, which represents 47% of the total scientific production.

Article Details

Education Law
Author Biography


1Carlos Oswaldo Serrano Aguiar, 2Marcelo Esteban Calispa Aguilar, 3Taco Hernández Pamela Rosa, 4Ember Geovanny Zumba Novay

1Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo.

Grupo de Investigación & Vinculación AUTOPRO, Riobamba, Ecuador

  2Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Grupo de Investigación & Vinculación AUTOPRO, Riobamba, Ecuador

3Civil Engineer, Master's Degree in Civil Engineering with a mention in Construction Management (c)Independent researcher

4Docente Investigador Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo -


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