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Persons with disabilities have rights, duties, and obligations. Their development and training will depend on the extent to which society provides alternatives for recognition and protection at all levels. The objective was to identify the progress of scientific publications about the research topic. Bibliometric analysis was applied to identify the research trend and the literature review method was used. It was concluded that the promotion of inclusive education, the adaptation of educational services, and citizenship education are the main focus of future research.

Article Details

Constitutional Law
Author Biography


Juana de la Cruz Ramírez Dávila1, María del Pilar Quezada Castro2, María del Pilar Castro Arellano3, Cecilia Gabriela Villalobos Quiroz1, Eliana Maritza BarturEn Mondragón1, Claudia Divani Maza Socola4, Guillermo Alexander Quezada Castro2

Faculty of Law and Humanities, Universidad Señor de Sipán1

Faculty of Law, Universidad Tecnológica del Perú2

Faculty of Law, Universidad Alas Peruanas3

Faculty of Education, Universidad César Vallejo4



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